Japanese Animation Programs to be a Success in the UK

Thursday, May 7, 2009 ·
Japanese animation and art has taken by storm several countries that didn't have a different outlook as far as animation goes, the quality and freshness of Japanese animation has tapped into untapped audiences across global networks because of the fact that their work appeals to not only the young and teenagers but several of their programs actually cater to older audiences between 18 and 30 years of age.

Programs such as Bakugan appeal to a younger audience who love "special effects" powers and exciting plots which Is similar to the target audience of animations made in the US however the freshness of the drawings and the animation style make all the difference as the use of shadows and character body lines is completely different and original in the way they do so.

Older audiences tend to go for shows that are not so predictable and this is where Japanese animation really becomes huge, animations such as Monster, Spice and Wolf and yes even Clannad have grabbed the attention of those who once were fan of the famous Dragon Ball Z.

Internet forums confirm just how popular Japanese animation is amongst young and older viewers who not only enjoy the freshness of the drawings and animations but the stories which are told series after series are completely unique, for instance, Spice and Wolf is unlike anything you have seen and it caters to older audiences because it deals a lot with business concepts such as international trade, the monetary system and the way merchants try to influence their business environment through free trade.

I bet you were not expecting something like that from a title such as "Spice and Wolf" did you? - To add some uniqueness and variety the female character (wolf) is really smart and cunning and is able to take the series to a whole different level.

Series such as Clannad are high-school based so they appeal to those in high school and even those in college, the comedic situation the characters find themselves in is completely unique and the plot lead the way to an even greater story (the after story) in which a shocking truth about life is to be revealed to the characters of the series. This animation takes the characters and the viewers from a traditional high school setting all the way into adulthood and show them the happy and sad times of life in a very realistic story.

As you see Japanese animation is absolutely unique and is not entirely based in sci-fi fights and power blasts but it can be very deep and meaningful which is why such series are expected to be a total hit in the UK and most likely other parts of the World.
by: genwright

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