Ways to Make Money - Sell Your Art

Monday, June 29, 2009 ·
So you want to sell your art? Want to make extra money? Interested in finding effective strategies that will increase your bottom line?

Selling your artwork or your crafts is an incredible way to increase your income. Although it may seem like a daunting task at first, the reality is that there is always a market available for your products. Here are some effective techniques that will help you facilitate sales of your art.

Create a Collective Let's face it. You are not the only one in your community who has slaved over their art, creating incredible pieces, hour after hour. Chances are there are people on your street who are also artists. Try to seek out artist neighbors and friends who also might be interested in making money by selling their art. Approach these individuals to see if they would be interested in coming together for a collective art bazaar. Find a yard or a parking lot that is large enough. Advertise in local resources, on the Internet, or in coffee shops. In a sense, you are creating your own outdoor market to sell your art.

Local Cafes How many times have you walked into a cafe and seen art for sale on the wall? Or--better yet--how many times have you walked into a cafe and not seen art on the wall? Either way, approach the owner or manager of the cafe with some of your pieces and tell him or her that you would be interested in selling your art to the cafes customers. This is a win-win situation. You will bring in money once your art sells. And the cafe will not only have wonderful art hanging on their walls, but--obviously--they will benefit financially from the sale of your art. It is important that you negotiate a fee that you will pay to the cafe for each sale.

Flea Markets & Other Festivals Obviously, this is the most expensive route, but it also might possibly be the most financially lucrative. Flea markets or other festivals--such as municipal arts and street fairs--will bring thousands of people by your booth each day. And if only a fraction of the people decide to purchase your art, you will still make good money. Even if few sales come from the market, you will have increased your exposure to the community. Even if sales are not made initially, fellow community members might search you out in the weeks following to purchase your art.

Making money by selling your art is incredibly feasible. The number one thing that you need to do though is take action! No one can see your pieces if they are sitting stacked in your studio or in your garage. You need to get these portraits and statues in front of potential buyers in order to make a sale!
Author : J.R. Shanley

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